(205) 497-8610
Bessemer Division
Victim Services Unit of the District Attorney’s Bessemer Divisions Office provides victims with support before, during, and after their cases are being processed through the judicial system. The unit provides information, forms, and affidavits that make it possible for victims to seek restitution. This unit is the voice for victims in the judicial system.
A priority of this unit is to provide personal assistance to individuals who are victims of crime. If you are a victim of a crime, you can begin the healing process by contacting the Victim Services Unit.
In January 1996, the State of Alabama enacted the Crime Victims’ Bill of Rights. These rights, found in Article 3, Sections 15-23-60 through 15-23-84 of the Code of Alabama, 1975, define certain rights granted to victims of crime.
Within 72 hours after a victim files a crime report, the assisting local law enforcement officer shall provide the victim with the following:
Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office, Bessemer Cutoff Division, has three Victim Service Officers (VSO) to assist victims of crime. These positions exist to offer proper notifications and guidance throughout the criminal justice process and to make sure that victims are aware of their rights.
Bessemer Criminal Justice Center
Jefferson County Courthouse
1851 Second Avenue North
Suite 110
Bessemer, Alabama 35020
Phone: (205) 497-8610
Fax: (205) 497-8603
Email: [email protected]
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